
Restaurant grade charcoal - Draw a larger crowd with the best-grilled food in town

  There’s definitely an art to barbecuing and no serious chef would agree that you just have to toss a slab of meat onto the grill and wait for the heat of the fuel to do its job! - There’s preparation, seasoning, temperature…and the right fuel. If you barbecue with family and friends then there’s an even greater experience to be shared. However, you use your barbecue you need to first get your hands on the best charcoal for the job. Charcoal is available in a few different forms :  Lumpwood charcoal Charcoal briquettes Instant light charcoal Extruded charcoal Restaurant grade charcoal Among the charcoal products listed above, restaurant-grade charcoal is widely used and respected by professional chefs. Today, even homeowners are turning to restaurant grade charcoal when they desire the best home barbecue experience. Restaurant grade charcoal is perfect when you’re preparing authentic cuisines for special occasions.  Why choose restaurant grade charcoal for the home barbecue? If you a

Lumpwood charcoal for a cleaner burn and a smoky flavour

  Summer is almost upon us. After long months of staying indoors due to lockdown and a protracted winter, it is finally time to step outdoors again… It's time to forget those winter chills and dust-off those barbecue grills!  The stringent rules of social distancing have now been relaxed somewhat, meaning that family and friends can gather for a lovely summer barbecue, and when it comes barbecuing, the key thing to get right from the offset is the fuel. To get that smoky flavour with your food, you need the right charcoal. So how can you be sure which charcoal is best to get that perfect grilling experience? Lumpwood charcoal for an unmatched grilling experience Good charcoal is usually shiny black in colour, with a slightly blue tint to it. The entire surface of the charcoal is covered with cracks, and on impact if the charcoal gives a ringing sound, it indicates high-quality charcoal that will light quickly and produce a good amount of heat. Good quality charcoal is : Made from h

Kiln-dried logs - For the warmth you need to get you through next winter

  " A house with no fireplace is a house without a heart."                                   — Gladys Taber Fireplaces have long been considered the heart of the home and the true focal point of a room. They provide comfort and a feeling of content when the weather outside is cold and bleak. It’s a place to share intimate talks, tell stories, or just sit together around a warm glow.  The traditional log-burning fireplace is still considered the perfect choice for a warm, rustic living room in the U.K. Indeed, a log burning fireplace is classic and timeless, but to achieve a high temperature with little to no smoke, it’s all about the fuel… You need wood that’s not ‘green’, it must be sufficiently dry and well-seasoned. For thoroughly dry wood, kiln dried logs are the superior fuel.  Low moisture content Kiln-dried logs light very quickly, and compared to seasoned logs, kiln dried logs have a lower moisture content. This low moisture content is what enables you to start a f

Choose Lumpwood & Restaurant Grade Charcoal - For the Ultimate Professional BBQ experience!

  Barbecuing can be a lot of fun, but choosing the right kind of fuel is crucial to its success. Charcoal is the most commonly used fuel for cooking over open fires in the United Kingdom. As charcoal is simply carbon in its purest form, it is a much more natural fuel than briquettes, and contains no chemical additives. Though it burns for a shorter time than briquettes, it produces more heat, and a nicer aroma and flavour, improving the quality of your grilled food significantly.  Charcoal grilling is a true test for any experienced cook. It can be an exciting challenge with some seriously great tasting rewards, from lighting and changing fuel, to managing airflow and controlling flare-ups. But, before you light your charcoal and start grilling, you must first answer one crucial question: What grade of charcoal should you be using?   In a quandary about choosing the right type of charcoal?   As there are many products for you to choose from, deciding which form of fuel to use can be a

Wood fired cooking

  Wood fired pizza ovens are a popular purchase for London homeowners. Summer will be here before you know it and a garden pizza oven can be an excellent addition to the home and a great experience to be shared with friends and family.   Pizza ovens reach extremely high temperatures, (we are talking 500-700 degrees F!) and are great not only for cooking pizzas in a short amount of time, but also for adding a unique flavour to braising meats. The added flavour is just one of the benefits that may make you want to invest in one for yourself :   Radiation - Higher performance than an open fire as the heat source radiates all around the oven, which also retains a great deal of the heat. Convection - As the flame is situated on one side of the oven, this helps to better circulate heat around, in a similar way that a fan assisted kitchen oven does.  Conduction -  The materials used to construct a pizza ovens help to retain and transfer the heat directly to the food that’s being cooked. Benef

Premium Fuel for your fire - Restaurant grade charcoal

  Barbecuing can be a great deal of fun, but key to its success is in choosing the right kind of fuel. In the UK, the two most widely used fuels for cooking over open fires are charcoal, and charcoal briquettes…So which fuel should you choose? Let’s first take a look at briquettes and see what they have to offer. Charcoal briquettes are a manufactured by-product of wood that’s then mixed with additives. Briquettes are widely used as they burn and smoulder for a very long time. But they are very far from being a ‘natural’ product and contain a number of chemical additives, and this is one of the main reasons that briquettes are not widely used by professional cooks and chiefs. The second most popular source of fuel is traditional charcoal. Charcoal is essentially carbon in its purest form, meaning that it’s a much more natural fuel than briquettes and features no chemical additives. Though it burns for a shorter duration than briquettes, it provides more heat, and a nicer aroma and flav

Find the best wood logs for your fire

  Not all forms of wood burn the same way, wood from some trees can burn slowly, providing lots of heat, whilst others can burn much more quickly and produce much more smoke. When you come to purchase wood logs for your fireplace there are a few things for you to consider. Firstly, where will the wood be burnt?, do you have a wood burning stove, or an open fire? - The choice of which wood logs are best for your fire will be dependent upon how it’s being burnt. Let's look at some key factors which will help you choose the best type of wood to keep you warm throughout the colder months. Which wood logs burn better and keep my chimney clean? You should avoid using softwood as your main fuel for burning. Hardwood is a much superior choice as it is more dense and produces greater heat output when compared to softwood. Wood logs from softwood trees do catch fire quickly but they deposit a high amount of soot on your chimneys due to the high sap content. Softwoods are much better utilise