Find the best wood logs for your fire

 Not all forms of wood burn the same way, wood from some trees can burn slowly, providing lots of heat, whilst others can burn much more quickly and produce much more smoke. When you come to purchase wood logs for your fireplace there are a few things for you to consider. Firstly, where will the wood be burnt?, do you have a wood burning stove, or an open fire? - The choice of which wood logs are best for your fire will be dependent upon how it’s being burnt.

Let's look at some key factors which will help you choose the best type of wood to keep you warm throughout the colder months.

Which wood logs burn better and keep my chimney clean?

You should avoid using softwood as your main fuel for burning. Hardwood is a much superior choice as it is more dense and produces greater heat output when compared to softwood. Wood logs from softwood trees do catch fire quickly but they deposit a high amount of soot on your chimneys due to the high sap content. Softwoods are much better utilised as kindling to get your fire going. Wood logs derived from hardwoods, when thoroughly dried to remove as much moisture as possible, are the top choice for fireplaces and stoves. 

Wet wood logs on the other hand can be cheap to buy and easy to find, but they create a great deal of smoke and can take a long time to get going. Well seasoned wood will have a moisture content below 20%.

What other factors are there to consider when purchasing wood logs for your fireplace?

Have a think about the quantity of wood you require, how you’ll store it and how you’ll transport it. 

A cord of firewood - A four feet high, by eight feet long, by eight feet deep stack of firewood is called a cord. Wood logs are usually sixteen to eighteen inches long. The grate inside of a wood stove (or fireplace) is typically quite a small space, so you’ll need to make sure you’ve got the right size wood logs to fit. Once you’ve measured the base of your firewood grate you can calculate how many logs you will require. Generally speaking, half a cord of a wood pile is a good quantity.

Heat - Good quality firewood generates high levels of heat, and all the different types of wood differ in the heat levels they produce. Heat values of wood in the UK are calculated in BTU.

Choosing the right kind of wood will make it easy for you to get your fire going on cold days and nights. It will also help to keep your chimney soot-free and produce less harmful smoke.


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