Restaurant grade charcoal - Draw a larger crowd with the best-grilled food in town

 There’s definitely an art to barbecuing and no serious chef would agree that you just have to toss a slab of meat onto the grill and wait for the heat of the fuel to do its job! - There’s preparation, seasoning, temperature…and the right fuel.

If you barbecue with family and friends then there’s an even greater experience to be shared. However, you use your barbecue you need to first get your hands on the best charcoal for the job. Charcoal is available in a few different forms : 

  • Lumpwood charcoal

  • Charcoal briquettes

  • Instant light charcoal

  • Extruded charcoal

  • Restaurant grade charcoal

restaurant grade charcoal

Among the charcoal products listed above, restaurant-grade charcoal is widely used and respected by professional chefs. Today, even homeowners are turning to restaurant grade charcoal when they desire the best home barbecue experience. Restaurant grade charcoal is perfect when you’re preparing authentic cuisines for special occasions. 

Why choose restaurant grade charcoal for the home barbecue?

If you are looking for quality charcoal that does not contain impurities or additives, then restaurant-grade charcoal is the choice for you. This premium grade charcoal can be used as fuel for barbecues by professionals and home cooks alike. Burning at a higher temperature, and for longer, it also has a very low moisture content. Unlike other charcoal products on the market, it will not spit or spark, proving to be much safer and more predictable. Smoke output is also reduced with restaurant-grade charcoal and there’s no additives present either.

Different varieties of wood give unique flavours to food. It’s important to acknowledge that premium restaurant grade charcoal is also eco-friendly as wood is taken from sustainable woodlands. Restaurant grade charcoal offers the most predictable grilling experience, wherever it is you cook.

How does restaurant grade charcoal differ from other charcoal?

There are three very distinct reasons why restaurant grade charcoal is different from other charcoal products :

  • Restaurant grade charcoal consists of 100% wood and features no additives. Other charcoals contain varying amounts of additives and fillers to help them light. Additives often give a chemical taste to food, whereas restaurant grade charcoal gives an authentic smoky flavour.

  • High moisture content is often a feature of standard charcoal, and this results in a lot of smoke and a flame that tends to spit and spark when it is lit. This is not the case with restaurant-grade charcoal however, and it will not spit, spark, or produce lots of smoke.

  • Restaurant grade charcoal is supplied in large packages, and the individual briquettes are also larger in comparison. As a result, each piece burns for a longer duration, producing uniform heat.

So, if you are planning to throw a party or organise an event with a larger crowd, having restaurant grade charcoal as the fuel for your barbecue will ensure your event will be a great success. Igniting quickly and reaching cooking temperature faster, your guests won’t be waiting all day for their fantastically flavoured food. 

When it comes to taste, grilling over restaurant grade charcoal will give your food a highly desirable smoky flavour, one that will leave your guests coming back time and time again! You’ll also find it economical to buy a larger pack with larger sized charcoal briquettes that burn for longer. 

In short, choose premium charcoal for a premium barbecue experience. 


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