Lumpwood charcoal for a cleaner burn and a smoky flavour

 Summer is almost upon us. After long months of staying indoors due to lockdown and a protracted winter, it is finally time to step outdoors again… It's time to forget those winter chills and dust-off those barbecue grills! 

The stringent rules of social distancing have now been relaxed somewhat, meaning that family and friends can gather for a lovely summer barbecue, and when it comes barbecuing, the key thing to get right from the offset is the fuel.

To get that smoky flavour with your food, you need the right charcoal. So how can you be sure which charcoal is best to get that perfect grilling experience?

Lumpwood charcoal for an unmatched grilling experience

Good charcoal is usually shiny black in colour, with a slightly blue tint to it. The entire surface of the charcoal is covered with cracks, and on impact if the charcoal gives a ringing sound, it indicates high-quality charcoal that will light quickly and produce a good amount of heat. Good quality charcoal is :

  • Made from hardwood and has no synthetic materials added to it.

  • Burns at a steady pace, for longer

  • Produces a good amount of heat

  • Has a lower quantity of fillers added to it, or none at all

  • Burns cleanly

  • Has a uniform shape with thin edges

Lumpwood charcoal features the above benefits, if you are an experienced cook and require charcoal that will ignite quickly and produce lots of heat, lumpwood charcoal is the fuel for you. With lumpwood charcoal, you can have hot burning coals in just a few minutes (depending on the hardwood that’s used). 

Let's take a look a at some of the features of lumpwood charcoal:

  • It’s made from hardwood

  • It burns instantly and burns very hot, making cooking faster

  • Leaves less ash so it’s easier to clean-up afterwards

  • Both the flame and temperature is easily adjustable in the grill

  • Free from additives and fillers

  • Good quality lumpwood charcoal is often available in larger pieces that burn for a long time

  • Made from a sustainable source

  • Does not produce excessive sparks

  • Charcoal made from different types of hardwood gives different flavours to your food

lumpwood charcoal

How to store your lumpwood charcoal the right way

Firstly Store charcoal in a way that you can easily see how much you have left. Secondly, it’s vital to keep moisture away for it otherwise it will be more difficult to burn - An open bag of charcoal will happily absorb as much moisture as it can get from air. So the best way to store a used bag is by putting the open end into a sealed container. You should also keep your charcoal bag in an area that is away from direct sunlight. The bag should not be stored in a damp location, so check your shed for damp before you leave it there. 

So, if you wish to have your charcoal all ready to go for the summer season, just remember to keep it all wrapped up nice and tight.


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