Clean burning wood results in less pollution


Air pollution is a very topical issue today, and there is a real shift towards making our air cleaner.


The ‘Clean Air Strategy - 2019’ states, ”Air quality is the largest environmental health risk in the UK. It shortens lives and contributes to chronic illness. Health can be affected both by short-term, high-pollution episodes and by long-term exposure to lower levels of pollution. There are small things we can all do that will make a big difference to emissions locally and nationally.”


The ’Clean Air Strategy' has created initiatives to reduce emissions in many areas that it identified, including household wood and coal burning, open fires, and stoves. The proposition is to ensure these fires are as clean as they can be by the year 2022. Clean-burning stoves require clean-burning wood to keep emission rates to a minimum. So, how are ‘clean-burning woods’ classified as such?


Clean burning wood has one inherent property; it’s as dry as possible. Wood from trees that have just been felled are typically too ‘green’ (containing 65-90% water) to be burned efficiently. The process of removing water content from wood is termed ‘seasoning’.


Seasoning can be performed in two different ways;


The first method is via the natural method of ‘air-drying’. It’s a low-tech simple process that involves splitting the wood and keeping it dry over a period of time. This is a time-consuming process as wood logs can take anywhere between 6 months to 2 years to fully dry-out.



The second, more efficient method, requires the use of a kiln to dry wood logs. Via the implementation of a kiln, the climate around wood logs can be fully controlled. Kiln-dried wood also reduces the bugs, fungus, mold and mildew that can manifest in moist or wet woods.

Kiln-dried wood has many benefits over naturally air-dried firewood.


1.     It is instantly ready to use once purchased.


2.     It can be stored indoors without the fear of bugs, fungus or mildew entering into your home.


3.     Kiln-dried wood produces less creosote build-up in chimneys and fireplaces.

4.     It produces less smoke, is easier to light and burns more efficiently.

5.     It is lighter in weight, so transportation and storage is easier.

Green Olive Firewood produces high-quality kiln-dried wood for all your home fires. At our farm in West Sussex we power our kilns with waste wood products sourced from Spanish olive trees. In keeping with our sustainable and environmentally conscious practices, we source a large quantity of wood from managed woodlands in Surrey and West Sussex.


Green Olive Firewood supplies products to businesses and homes right across the UK. Contact them today to ensure your fireplace is well stocked with the highest grade kiln-dried wood!




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