Get your fire to burn brighter with Green Olive Firewood



Barbecuing can be great fun if you have the right type of good quality charcoal with which to cook your food over. Good quality charcoal will produce enough heat to cook your food thoroughly and cleanly. Restaurant grade charcoal is a premium fuel, obtained for its reliability and purity.

Unlike other charcoal products restaurant grade charcoal has no additives and it burns at an even temperature so that the heat is consistent for cooking over. If you’re after that authentic barbecue taste with the quality of restaurant prepared food, try restaurant grade charcoal to impress your guests! Green Olive Firewood produces premium professional-grade lumpwood that is used to make our very high-quality restaurant grade charcoal. Our lumpwood is usually a hardwood which has properties similar to that of oak and birch. As a result, the density and size of our charcoal pieces are such that they maintain high temperatures over a long period of time. Our restaurant grade charcoal is the perfect fuel for professional kitchens and caterers.


Get your fire to burn brighter - Green Olive Firewood

Heat logs are the next best fuel to use in multi-fuel stoves, log burners, and even on open fires - it’s a great alternative to traditional logs. They produce more heat and can be used in smaller quantities, thus saving you money and storage space. If you are looking for logs that light effortlessly and burn hotter, heat logs are a fantastic option. Heat logs have the great additional benefit of being environmentally friendly as they are made from sawdust, harvested from freshly felled timber and waste wood products. Green Olive Firewood products are natural, sustainable, ethically produced and are of premium quality. Our heat logs are a very popular product, and with winter now approaching it might be time to consider stocking up. 


Our heat logs are available in 10kg, 40kg and 80 kg packs, with 12 logs for every 10 kg weight. We have outlets at locations in Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex, Kent, & London.


Get your fire to burn brighter with Charcoal by Green Olive Firewood


For a log to burn efficiently and cleanly it must be thoroughly dried. Air drying wood for 2-3 years will reduce the moisture content to about 20%, occupying a large huge amount of space whilst doing so.

The best way to dry wood is via kiln drying. Kiln-dried logs produce the very best firewood for your fireplace as they have a reduced moisture level and are hugely energy efficient. Kiln-dried logs are typically derived from hardwood, and although in comparison they are costlier than other logs, kiln dried logs offer many advantages over other firewood products:


Burns cleaner -Kiln dried logs leave much less deposits in your chimney, therefore requiring less chimney maintenance whilst being safer.

 Ignites quicker - Kiln dried logs catch fire very rapidly, making the act of fire lighting effortless.

 Burns longer - Kiln dried logs burn for a longer period of time, therefore keeping your house warm for longer and reducing the frequency with which you need to add to it.

 No smoke burn - Kiln dried logs do not produce smoke whilst burning, thus keeping the air clean.

 Less storage space - Kiln dried logs have a compact shape and can be easily stored inside the house without absorbing moisture.

 Green Olive Firewood offers high-quality kiln dried logs, produced in convenient lengths for better storage. Our kiln dried logs are dried in our own West Sussex kiln. We provide home delivery services, and if ordering in bulk we package them in easily transportable barrow bags. You can visit us at any one of our locations in; Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex, Kent, London. Contact us today for rapid delivery.





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